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    Type Title Author Replies Last Postsort ascending Status Class Distance Date and Time of ride
    Forum topic Thank you Babylon Bike Shop Bike and beach 02/21/2011 - 4:58pm
    Bike Ride Sayville to Oakdale Bob Miller 2 02/21/2011 - 2:37pm a go C- 30mi Sun, 02/20/2011 - 10:00am
    Bike Ride Premature Training Ride Art Searle 02/20/2011 - 8:42pm CANCELED B+ 32mi Tue, 02/22/2011 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Kreb Ride altered a bit 7speed 4 02/20/2011 - 5:38pm a go B 32mi Sun, 02/20/2011 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride See the Seals Tricia 3 02/19/2011 - 9:42pm CHANGED C 20mi Sat, 02/19/2011 - 1:00pm
    Bike Ride Manorville Loop ALF 1 02/19/2011 - 8:37pm a go B+ 34mi Sat, 02/19/2011 - 9:30am
    Bike Ride RP2IPBP* Py 4 02/19/2011 - 5:02pm a go B+/A- 55mi Sat, 02/19/2011 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Eastport to Westhampton Beach Bob Miller 02/18/2011 - 12:41am CANCELED C- 30mi Mon, 02/21/2011 - 10:00am
    Bike Ride One More Try ... Stormnnorman 02/17/2011 - 10:37pm CANCELED B 8mi Sun, 02/20/2011 - 10:00am
    Bike Ride ride to ridge guruguy 4 02/17/2011 - 8:04pm a go B+ 30mi Thu, 02/17/2011 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Sunshine Mall to Manorville Joe M. 1 02/17/2011 - 1:38pm a go C+ 33mi Sat, 02/19/2011 - 9:30am
    Forum topic DOT Meeting Tonight! Stormnnorman 02/17/2011 - 8:39am
    Forum topic Major Taylor Pat B. 3 02/16/2011 - 5:44pm
    Blog entry Winter Riding with SBRA Py 3 02/16/2011 - 5:20pm
    Bike Ride Premature Training Ride Art Searle 1 02/16/2011 - 4:42pm a go B+ 32mi Wed, 02/16/2011 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Stony Brook 25 miles Paul M. 02/16/2011 - 1:40pm a go B 25mi Fri, 02/18/2011 - 3:00pm
    Bike Ride Let's Give it a Try Tricia 6 02/16/2011 - 10:40am a go C 20mi Sun, 02/13/2011 - 1:00pm
    SBRA Event Executive Board Meeting Bob D 02/16/2011 - 9:41am Thu, 02/24/2011 - 7:00pm
    Location Panera Bread Bohemia Bob D 02/16/2011 - 9:34am
    Forum topic SBRA Jersey's Janine 4 02/15/2011 - 9:50pm
    Forum topic take my breath away-your second wind... guruguy 3 02/15/2011 - 7:28pm
    Forum topic Why not have 2 levesl of SBRA membership Bill G. 02/14/2011 - 3:03pm
    SBRA Event Montauk Railroad Century 2011 Brenda Meyer 02/14/2011 - 2:59pm Sat, 05/07/2011 - 7:00am
    Bike Ride CHOO CHOO !!! christine 2 02/14/2011 - 10:46am a go B 30mi Fri, 02/18/2011 - 9:00am
    Forum topic Team In Training - The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) smokenbgood 02/13/2011 - 3:53pm
    Bike Ride RP2IPBP* Py 3 02/12/2011 - 6:55pm a go B+/A- 55mi Sat, 02/12/2011 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride B Ride Liz 4 02/12/2011 - 2:50pm a go B 30mi Sat, 02/12/2011 - 9:30am
    Forum topic Cue sheet for Shelter Island ride marially 2 02/11/2011 - 6:23pm
    Bike Ride Kreb Ride out of Bellport municipal lot 7speed 1 02/11/2011 - 11:38am a go B 33mi Sun, 02/13/2011 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride February Thaw CANCELLED Kathykidd 4 02/09/2011 - 10:15am CANCELED B 32mi Sat, 02/12/2011 - 9:30am
    Page Be Bike Friendly Launches First Certification Program! Brenda Meyer 02/09/2011 - 9:12am
    Page Special Events Calendar for 2010 (archive) Brenda Meyer 02/07/2011 - 6:49pm
    Forum topic *****Kayak For Sale***** christine 02/07/2011 - 4:50pm
    Bike Ride Souper Bowl Ride - Ride Is On with Two Changes ... Stormnnorman 11 02/07/2011 - 12:37pm CHANGED C+/B 10mi Sun, 02/06/2011 - 9:30am
    Bike Ride everybody in the "pool" guruguy 11 02/06/2011 - 3:35pm CHANGED B 30mi Sun, 02/06/2011 - 9:15am


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