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    Type Title Author Replies Last Postsort ascending Status Class Distance Date and Time of ride
    Shop Bike Ride RPC Shop Ride RPC 03/31/2011 - 6:13pm a go B- 20mi Thu, 04/07/2011 - 6:00pm
    Shop Bike Ride LEG BURNER so you'll wanna sit for the MOvie Velobello 1 03/31/2011 - 2:09pm CANCELED B+/A- 30mi Thu, 03/31/2011 - 5:00pm
    Bike Ride Weakday Century Training make-up Art Searle 2 03/31/2011 - 12:48pm a go B+ 32mi Thu, 03/31/2011 - 9:00am
    Location Rocky Point Cycle RPC 03/31/2011 - 11:43am
    Bike Ride Bruce's "B" Century Training Ride Bruce 1 03/31/2011 - 8:26am a go B 47mi Sun, 04/03/2011 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Never on Monday Art Searle 03/31/2011 - 7:11am a go B+ 40mi Mon, 04/18/2011 - 9:00am
    Location Northport Train Station Phil C. 03/30/2011 - 6:22pm
    Bike Ride Riverhead to Mattituck Bob Miller 03/30/2011 - 5:13pm a go C- 35mi Sun, 04/03/2011 - 10:00am
    Bike Ride Not So Early Early Birds North Art Searle 6 03/30/2011 - 2:38pm CHANGED B+/A- 55mi Wed, 03/30/2011 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Not So Early Early Birds North Art Searle 03/30/2011 - 2:27pm a go B+/A- 55mi Thu, 04/14/2011 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Manorville to Briermere Flash 03/30/2011 - 10:24am a go B- 31mi Sun, 04/03/2011 - 10:00am
    Forum topic Update on SLOW Website -- long page generation times Py Zahl 4 03/29/2011 - 5:42pm
    Bike Ride slow hills lin 2 03/29/2011 - 5:32pm a go C 18mi Tue, 03/29/2011 - 10:30am
    Page Sayville for 5 Days ... Take The Challenge 4/11 to 4/15 ... click to "read more" Brenda Meyer 03/29/2011 - 2:20pm
    Forum topic brush fire at es guruguy 03/29/2011 - 11:27am
    Bike Ride Never on Monday Art Searle 1 03/28/2011 - 6:26pm a go B+ 40mi Mon, 03/28/2011 - 9:00am
    Shop Bike Ride Kreb Cycle Ride Stormnnorman 03/28/2011 - 1:34pm a go B+/A- 30mi Fri, 04/29/2011 - 8:00am
    Shop Bike Ride Kreb-NEW Time Stormnnorman 03/28/2011 - 1:33pm a go B+/A- 30mi Fri, 04/22/2011 - 8:00am
    Shop Bike Ride Kreb Cycle Ride Stormnnorman 03/28/2011 - 1:28pm a go B+/A- 30mi Fri, 04/15/2011 - 8:30am
    Shop Bike Ride Kreb Cycle Ride Stormnnorman 03/28/2011 - 1:26pm a go B+/A- 30mi Fri, 04/08/2011 - 8:30am
    Shop Bike Ride Kreb Cycle Ride Stormnnorman 03/28/2011 - 1:24pm a go B+/A- 30mi Fri, 04/01/2011 - 8:30am
    Bike Ride Century Training Ride Joe M. 03/28/2011 - 1:11pm a go B- 50mi Sun, 04/03/2011 - 8:45am
    Bike Ride Heckscher Loops Joe M. 03/28/2011 - 1:03pm a go B- 15mi Wed, 03/30/2011 - 5:30pm
    Forum topic TREK Madone 4.5 2010 Shimano 105/ Bontrager Velobello 03/28/2011 - 9:59am
    Bike Ride 2_PointPlus ride & PostRideEvents Barbara 1 03/27/2011 - 11:18pm CANCELED C 32mi Sat, 04/16/2011 - 2:00pm
    Bike Ride B+ 46 Mile Century Training Ride pete 5 03/27/2011 - 8:41pm a go B+ 46mi Sun, 03/27/2011 - 9:00am
    Page Rocky Point Cycle is collecting old bikes and cash donations ... April 9th Brenda Meyer 03/27/2011 - 7:53pm
    Bike Ride B Paced Training ride Holtsville Ecology Center pete 03/27/2011 - 7:07pm CANCELED B 53mi Sat, 04/02/2011 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride We'll-decide-when-we-get-there Ride joyseraph62 1 03/27/2011 - 6:49pm a go B- 30mi Tue, 03/29/2011 - 10:30am
    Bike Ride Henry's Hills Bob Miller 03/27/2011 - 6:17pm CANCELED C- 35mi Sat, 04/16/2011 - 1:30pm
    Bike Ride Bruce's "B" Century Training Ride Bruce 2 03/27/2011 - 6:15pm a go B 42mi Sun, 03/27/2011 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride sat century training ride Patpuff14 1 03/26/2011 - 9:29pm a go B 47mi Sat, 03/26/2011 - 9:03am
    Bike Ride Holtsville to Moriches joyseraph62 03/26/2011 - 7:57pm CANCELED B- 30mi Thu, 03/31/2011 - 9:00am
    Forum topic Campy Wheelset Like New - Sale 100 bucks off Rick S. 2 03/26/2011 - 9:16am
    Forum topic it's not that cold guruguy 3 03/26/2011 - 12:03am


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