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Little Lesson on this new site, webbrowsers and other tips and Q&A's

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    Joined: 11/07/2008 - 10:03pm
    Little Lesson on this new site, webbrowsers and other tips and Q&A's

    Attention to all who may not know....

    Note: I keep edition this to address common questions. (work in progress)

    • Following Links: You decide where to open it. Most browsers per default open a "normal" link per left-mouse-click into the same window/frame/tab and if you want to keep the current page and open it into a new window/frame/tab try the middle mouse button. If that dose not work, try right click and select "open in new window/tab". Especially links to external pages like bike shops or links in posts, etc...
    • Subscriptions: You can in various ways select a post or comment for subscription, this means you get an email for notification on new posts or comments on it. You can also decide to subscribe to a whole forum, for this in your account settings find a) notifications (go though all settings, may open sub-folders for more details) and select b) find subscriptions->categories and select.
    • Blocks: Also in your profile, you can turn off some parts (called blocks) of the web site, i.e. if you do not want to have the lists of latest comments, find this "block" and disable it, you can always turn it back on
    • Please also refer to the still growing FAQ (from navigation menu on left), if new questions, add a comment here and I will work on it ASAP, also please absolutely minimize direct Emails -- Thank you so much.
    • And please obey the message board rule, same old -- so we all have a peaceful little virtual world here
    • E-Mail troubles, bouncing Emails, catching by Spam filters, false abuse notification, etc.: In particular AOL users, add the sending address to your address book to white list it.

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    Thank you for visiting the SBRA Website. PS: best viewed in all browsers, but IE -- sincerely, your Webmaster.
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