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Hope for the Future & SBRA

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    Janine's picture
    Joined: 11/16/2008 - 12:54pm
    Hope for the Future & SBRA

    A nomination came from the floor at the Dec Monthly Meeting for SBRA to sponsor/support this organization.

    For more information....Here is a link

    On Sunday 15th November the headquarters of Hope for the Future ministries was destroyed by fire. This included the kitchen, the food storage warehouse, offices and the refrigerated van. Police say the fire appeared to be intentionally set.

    Although the building was insured the value of the damage is likely to be substantialy more than the insurance value.

    Pastor Diane Dunne is asking for all supporters of the ministry to pray, and if possible, to consider how they can donate toward the rebuilding and restocking costs. If you wish to help with the costs you can make a donation using the Paypal link below.

    The website has links to the ABC interview.
    view ABC interview
    view latest news

    I will keep SBRA updated since one of our Members is also a member of the Ambulance Core and heard that they will need volunteers for rebuilding and setting up a new location.


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