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    Type Title Author Replies Last Postsort ascending Status Class Distance Date and Time of ride
    Bike Ride Wildwood State Park Bill G 11/13/2020 - 8:24am a go C+ 32mi Sun, 11/15/2020 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Sayville to Bayport 16 Gwen F 11/12/2020 - 8:21pm CANCELED C- 16mi Sun, 11/15/2020 - 9:30am
    Bike Ride Kreb Maples Extended Route Lisa V 11/12/2020 - 12:25pm a go A- 41mi Fri, 11/20/2020 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Westhampton Bakery Flash 11/12/2020 - 12:14pm CANCELED C+ 24mi Wed, 11/18/2020 - 9:30am
    Bike Ride Netties Country Bakery Flash 11/12/2020 - 12:07pm a go C+ 22mi Sat, 11/14/2020 - 9:30am
    Bike Ride LATER Slower St. James Loop Jeff Meyer 11/12/2020 - 7:46am CHANGED C 21mi Wed, 11/18/2020 - 12:00pm
    Bike Ride Bellport Loop Fred McKenna 11/11/2020 - 11:32pm a go B/B+ 33mi Sat, 11/14/2020 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride MtnBike MOVED TO SUNDAY Beginner Stormnnorman 11/11/2020 - 10:13pm CANCELED C 7mi Sat, 11/14/2020 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Bellport to Corey Beach Jeff Meyer 11/11/2020 - 4:12pm a go C+ 24mi Sat, 11/21/2020 - 9:30am
    Bike Ride Sayville Meander 15 Gwen F 11/10/2020 - 8:12pm a go C- 15mi Sat, 11/14/2020 - 9:30am
    Bike Ride Bean & Bagel Flash 11/10/2020 - 6:54pm a go C+ 20mi Mon, 11/16/2020 - 9:30am
    Bike Ride Breakfast In Babylon hen 11/10/2020 - 10:21am a go C+/B- 25mi Wed, 11/11/2020 - 8:30am
    Bike Ride Afternoon Sayville Loop Jeff Meyer 11/10/2020 - 7:42am a go C+ 21mi Tue, 11/17/2020 - 2:00pm
    Bike Ride CHANGED to Bellport to Sayville Jeff Meyer 11/10/2020 - 7:36am a go C+/B- 21mi Mon, 11/16/2020 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Sunshine To Netties Lee K 11/09/2020 - 10:37pm CANCELED B/B+ 38mi Fri, 11/13/2020 - 9:00am
    Location East Northport Library Gwen F 11/09/2020 - 8:23pm
    Bike Ride Hill Ride RobinS 11/09/2020 - 5:46pm a go A- 40mi Wed, 11/11/2020 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Bellport Meander Tricia 11/09/2020 - 2:11pm CANCELED C 18mi Mon, 11/16/2020 - 9:30am
    Bike Ride Sayville Start Tricia 11/09/2020 - 2:08pm a go C 20mi Sat, 11/21/2020 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Sunshine Manorville Food Drive drop off location JoannaP 11/09/2020 - 1:59pm a go B/B+ 38mi Sat, 11/14/2020 - 9:30am
    Bike Ride Kreb Maples Extended Route Friday The 13th :-p Lisa V 11/09/2020 - 9:47am CANCELED A- 41mi Fri, 11/13/2020 - 9:00am
    Forum topic Pictures of Tim's North Fork Metric Century are Mounted ... Stormnnorman 11/09/2020 - 9:29am
    Bike Ride HOPEFULL SAYVILLE Dawson 11/09/2020 - 6:24am a go C 20mi Wed, 11/11/2020 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Bethpage Library to Oyster Bay-RSVP required Fred 11/08/2020 - 8:13am a go C+ 30mi Sat, 11/14/2020 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Sunshine to Manorville Lee K 11/07/2020 - 6:00pm a go B/B+ 36mi Tue, 11/10/2020 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Nettie's Bakery Bill G 11/07/2020 - 9:20am CANCELED C+ 30mi Fri, 11/13/2020 - 9:30am
    Bike Ride shinnecock-not full Bill G 11/07/2020 - 8:50am a go C+/B- 40mi Sat, 11/14/2020 - 9:45am
    Bike Ride Magic Fountain to Briermere II Jeff Meyer 11/07/2020 - 7:33am CANCELED C+ 25mi Fri, 11/13/2020 - 9:30am
    Forum topic Pictures of Jeff's Ride for Valerie's B-Day and Norm's Ride on East Setauket Advance Trail Stormnnorman 11/06/2020 - 2:46pm
    Bike Ride Quogue Preserve Bill G 11/05/2020 - 4:00pm CHANGED C+/B- 32mi Wed, 11/11/2020 - 9:30am
    Bike Ride Briermere Pies Bill G 11/05/2020 - 3:53pm a go C+/B- 32mi Tue, 11/10/2020 - 8:45am
    Page Food Drive in Memory of Dick Cunningham Brenda Meyer (w... 11/05/2020 - 3:44pm
    Forum topic More Pictures of the Mt. Sinai-Wading River Bike Path and One of the Brookhave Bike Co-Op was Mounted ... Stormnnorman 11/05/2020 - 2:48pm
    Bike Ride NO RIDE TODAY - St. James Loop Jeff Meyer 11/04/2020 - 6:56pm CANCELED C+ 23mi Thu, 11/12/2020 - 10:15am
    Bike Ride Afternoon Sayville Loop Jeff Meyer 11/04/2020 - 6:30pm a go C+ 21mi Tue, 11/10/2020 - 2:00pm


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