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Recent Posts

    Type Title Author Replies Last Postsort ascending Status Class Distance Date and Time of ride
    Bike Ride Friendly's North Shore Hill Training Ride Tom M. 06/17/2010 - 9:37pm a go B+/A- 50mi Tue, 06/22/2010 - 4:30pm
    Bike Ride ridge Patpuff14 3 06/17/2010 - 9:28pm a go B+ 32mi Thu, 06/17/2010 - 9:00am
    Location east patchogue: 17 skyhaven drive Patpuff14 06/17/2010 - 9:15pm
    Bike Ride Eastport to Westhampton Beach Bob Miller 06/17/2010 - 9:01pm a go C- 33mi Sun, 06/20/2010 - 9:30am
    Forum topic Question for the Webmaster Tom M. 4 06/17/2010 - 8:33pm
    Bike Ride Celebrate Spring Paul M. 06/16/2010 - 9:17pm a go B 25mi Fri, 06/18/2010 - 3:30pm
    Bike Ride Half Century Tricia 3 06/16/2010 - 5:14pm a go C+ 50mi Sat, 06/19/2010 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride RP2IPBP Py 06/15/2010 - 10:08pm a go A+ 55mi Sat, 06/19/2010 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride The Hampton's Ride christine 3 06/15/2010 - 4:30pm a go B 40mi Tue, 06/15/2010 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Manorville to Wildwood Flash 06/15/2010 - 4:28pm a go C+ 32mi Mon, 06/21/2010 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Smith Point Art Searle 1 06/15/2010 - 1:47pm CHANGED B+ 35mi Tue, 06/15/2010 - 8:00am
    Bike Ride Holtsville to Yaphank Jeff Meyer 06/14/2010 - 8:45pm a go B- 23mi Sat, 06/26/2010 - 8:00am
    Bike Ride Eastport to Tully's Chowder House Jeff Meyer 06/14/2010 - 8:39pm a go B- 32mi Thu, 06/24/2010 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride The wife is riding with me ride Sayvile to Babylon pete 06/14/2010 - 8:21pm a go B 30mi Sat, 06/19/2010 - 8:00am
    Bike Ride Sunshine Mall to Smith Point Jeff Meyer 06/14/2010 - 8:12pm a go B- 30mi Sun, 06/20/2010 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Wading River to Manorville Jeff Meyer 06/14/2010 - 8:07pm a go B- 30mi Thu, 06/17/2010 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Midweek Tour to Shoreham Dick C 06/14/2010 - 8:00pm a go C+/B 30mi Wed, 06/23/2010 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Never on Monday East Art Searle 1 06/14/2010 - 5:49pm a go B+ 40mi Mon, 06/14/2010 - 8:30am
    Bike Ride the "you got to be kidding" ride cancelled guruguy 1 06/14/2010 - 3:14pm CANCELED B+ 25mi Tue, 06/15/2010 - 5:30am
    Bike Ride Bellport to Middle Island Art Searle 06/14/2010 - 2:04pm a go B 29mi Fri, 06/25/2010 - 8:00am
    Bike Ride Let the spirit move you Paul M. 06/13/2010 - 11:35pm a go B 25mi Tue, 06/15/2010 - 6:00pm
    Bike Ride testudine ride or turtle Patpuff14 6 06/13/2010 - 6:39pm a go B+ 32mi Sun, 06/13/2010 - 8:30am
    Bike Ride Bruce's "Early to Rise - Early to Ride" ride Bruce 06/13/2010 - 5:48pm a go B 37mi Sun, 06/20/2010 - 7:30am
    Bike Ride Bruce and Dave's "New Ride" ride Bruce 06/13/2010 - 5:41pm a go B 35mi Thu, 06/17/2010 - 8:00am
    Bike Ride The Great New Paltz Ride John L. 10 06/13/2010 - 5:15pm a go A 80mi Sat, 06/12/2010 - 8:30am
    Forum topic This is Steve Graham speaking 7speed 11 06/13/2010 - 3:42pm
    Bike Ride Beginner D Ride, in conjunction with the Town of Riverhead's Bike To Breakfast Jeff Meyer 2 06/13/2010 - 2:25pm a go D 13mi Sun, 06/13/2010 - 8:30am
    Bike Ride After the Kreb ride ride Art Searle 06/13/2010 - 11:43am a go B+ 29mi Fri, 06/18/2010 - 10:00am
    Bike Ride Bellport to Middle Island Art Searle 3 06/12/2010 - 10:20pm a go B 29mi Fri, 06/11/2010 - 8:00am
    Bike Ride B's Visit The Beach christine 1 06/11/2010 - 8:06pm a go B 45mi Sat, 06/12/2010 - 9:00am
    Forum topic Steve Graham .... Stormnnorman 4 06/11/2010 - 4:56pm
    Bike Ride Easy as Pie Slavka 2 06/11/2010 - 2:09pm a go B+ 48mi Fri, 06/11/2010 - 9:00am
    Forum topic Bike Boat Bike Tom M. 18 06/11/2010 - 11:45am
    Forum topic Preview Pictures Of Bike Boat Bike Brian M 06/11/2010 - 10:50am
    Forum topic Forum Activity Tom M. 13 06/11/2010 - 10:48am


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