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Recent Posts

    Type Title Author Replies Last Postsort ascending Status Class Distance Date and Time of ride
    Bike Ride OAKDALE SURPRISE Dawson 1 08/25/2011 - 3:50pm CANCELED C 25mi Sat, 08/27/2011 - 9:00am
    Forum topic Cycling video Rob 1 08/25/2011 - 3:49pm
    Bike Ride Let's Copy Joe Tricia 08/25/2011 - 6:38am a go B- 30mi Sat, 08/27/2011 - 8:15am
    Bike Ride EB North Route Art Searle 3 08/24/2011 - 9:23pm a go A 56mi Wed, 08/24/2011 - 8:30am
    Bike Ride SOUTH SHORE RIDE Dawson 08/24/2011 - 4:28pm CANCELED C 20mi Tue, 09/06/2011 - 5:30pm
    Bike Ride No PIE, It's an ANDY Manorville Ride !!! christine 5 08/24/2011 - 2:39pm CHANGED B 32mi Wed, 08/24/2011 - 8:30am
    Bike Ride Hilly*/Flat Paul M. 08/24/2011 - 1:34pm a go B 28mi Fri, 08/26/2011 - 4:00pm
    Bike Ride Ride to Cupsoque Alley 1 08/23/2011 - 10:51pm a go B 35mi Tue, 08/23/2011 - 8:30am
    Bike Ride Flat/Hilly* Paul M. 1 08/23/2011 - 10:49pm a go B 30mi Tue, 08/23/2011 - 5:30pm
    Bike Ride Trackside Cafe Ride Tricia 7 08/23/2011 - 9:31pm CHANGED C+ 30mi Sun, 08/21/2011 - 12:30pm
    Bike Ride Osborne Plaza Ride Derek J 08/23/2011 - 5:06pm CANCELED A+ 33mi Thu, 08/25/2011 - 5:30pm
    Bike Ride Ponquoque Bridge Bobby 2 08/23/2011 - 1:41pm a go B- 35mi Tue, 08/23/2011 - 8:30am
    Bike Ride Yaphank 27 Bobby 08/23/2011 - 1:35pm a go B- 27mi Wed, 08/31/2011 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Ponquoque Bridge Bobby 08/23/2011 - 1:24pm CHANGED B- 35mi Tue, 08/30/2011 - 8:30am
    Bike Ride attack of the 7 sisters guruguy 2 08/23/2011 - 11:24am a go Multi 12mi Tue, 08/23/2011 - 6:00am
    Bike Ride The Osborne plaza B ride Anonymous (not verified) 08/23/2011 - 6:28am a go B+ 26mi Thu, 08/25/2011 - 5:30pm
    Bike Ride ecology Patpuff14 08/22/2011 - 11:59pm CANCELED B+ 35mi Thu, 09/08/2011 - 9:30am
    Bike Ride Smith Point Art Searle 3 08/22/2011 - 8:18pm a go B+/A- 44mi Mon, 08/22/2011 - 8:30am
    Bike Ride Eastport To Westhampton Beach Bob Miller 08/22/2011 - 5:27pm a go C- 32mi Wed, 08/24/2011 - 9:30am
    Bike Ride Easy 20 joyseraph62 08/22/2011 - 8:25am CANCELED B- 20mi Wed, 08/24/2011 - 8:30am
    Bike Ride The Land of Make Believe aka Change of Scenery ride pete 5 08/21/2011 - 9:23pm a go B+ 40mi Sun, 08/21/2011 - 8:00am
    Bike Ride Low B Minus Bobby 08/21/2011 - 8:23pm a go B- 20mi Fri, 08/26/2011 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Moriches/Manorville with Mill Rd Tricia 08/21/2011 - 7:22pm a go B- 24mi Wed, 08/24/2011 - 5:45pm
    Bike Ride GreekFestRide Barbara 1 08/21/2011 - 3:39pm a go C+/B 25mi Sat, 08/20/2011 - 10:00am
    Bike Ride Eastport to Manorville Joe M. 1 08/20/2011 - 2:36pm CHANGED B 31mi Sat, 08/20/2011 - 8:30am
    Bike Ride sunshine Patpuff14 2 08/20/2011 - 1:21pm a go B+ 35mi Sat, 08/20/2011 - 8:15am
    Bike Ride South SHORE RIDE #2 Dawson 08/20/2011 - 6:56am a go C 20mi Tue, 08/23/2011 - 6:00pm
    Bike Ride Evening Heckscher visit Shannon C. 1 08/19/2011 - 8:09pm CANCELED C+/B 18mi Fri, 08/19/2011 - 5:30pm
    Bike Ride Manorville To Wildwood Jeff Meyer 08/19/2011 - 7:38pm a go B- 26mi Wed, 08/24/2011 - 8:30am
    Bike Ride Cycling to Cedear Beach Dick C 08/19/2011 - 1:54pm CANCELED C+/B 31mi Tue, 08/23/2011 - 9:00am
    Bike Ride Bruce's "B" Lobster Ride Bruce 08/19/2011 - 1:50pm CANCELED B 41mi Sun, 08/28/2011 - 8:30am
    Bike Ride Center Moriches Roundabout Bob Miller 4 08/19/2011 - 12:14pm a go C- 16mi Sun, 08/21/2011 - 9:30am
    SBRA Event General Meeting September 2011 Paul M. 1 08/19/2011 - 10:39am Thu, 09/01/2011 - 7:00pm
    Forum topic Pedal Power Meter Art Searle 08/19/2011 - 7:33am
    Bike Ride THE Manorville Pacedline Ride ALF 08/19/2011 - 6:46am a go B+ 44mi Sun, 08/21/2011 - 9:00am


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