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Pending "SBRA membership online status"? And update your Name. Please read here!

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    Py Zahl
    Joined: 10/24/2008 - 8:53pm
    Pending "SBRA membership online status"? And update your Name. Please read here!

    Hello all SBRA members!

    You are current and active SBRA member? You want to post rides, i.e. "Lead a Ride" using the calendar and do not see the "Lead a Ride" Link on the right navigation Menu below "Rides" (click "Rides" to find out)?

    If so, you not yet got the role "authenticated and active SBRA member" assigned by out permission managers and we apologize. To help us finding users still pending the online SBRA member status, please indicate that you are member and via the "Apply for role" mechanism: Go to "My Account", select "Apply for role", choose the only available role "authenticated and active SBRA member" and press "Apply". This will indicate out staff your wish and you will be reviewed quicker.

    Further: I like to ask you all to visit your personal information settings and adjust your full name, as I needed to make a change for better future readiness. To do so:

    Click "My account" on left and select "Edit" on top, then "Personal information". Just make sure your Name is correctly set and split in "First" and "Family" name. Also, please use a capital letter for the first letter. May also double check the remaining information for correctness.

    Thanks for your patience and support.

    SBRA is a member of (link is external).

    Thank you for visiting the SBRA Website. PS: best viewed in all browsers, but IE -- sincerely, your Webmaster.
    Please send comments & questions about the SBRA site to the SBRA-Webmaster (link sends e-mail).