Details (RL read field instructions carefully):
Babylon to Islip – Due to my school schedule, I have time constraints, so I can’t be away from the house for too long. I am trying a ride from the Babylon Train Station – park at the FAR WEST lot, across from Argyle Lake. Trip will be about 20-25 miles. This ride will mimic the Tuesday evening rides, in that we have a pit stop in the beginning, and ride through for a loop, and snacks at the end of the ride. Make sure to bring water, and ONE cookie for on-the-go. (OK to have One Extra Cookie for the ride leader). Upon return, there is a choice of a bagel place or a pizzeria in the village of Babylon, if the group decides. I may have to leave immediately after the ride. This is the ride start that works the best for me, as it is closest to my house. I like to leave on time, please.