Details (RL read field instructions carefully):
The route - a loop around the block, or straight out, and straight back, whatever you want to do. However, if the ride gets cancelled Rudi's will still be a go for 4PM. After the ride we eat - You can have a burger, fries and a beer for about $7.00. Beef tacos around two to three bucks depending on the style.
The average road speed will be 6 mph since I haven't ridden for wee bit. I will need a sweep for this route since I am a little unsure of the route. I will supply a Q sheet for those that want it.
Very Important - If you plan on coming to this ride, and eating after the ride please text me by 1PM at 631.484.3490. I need to make reservations for a table.
If the ride needs to be cancelled it will be done so by noon. Rudi's will not be cancelled. Any questions text me, I will answer as soon as I can.