Details (RL read field instructions carefully):
Too many fast people are coming to my and Bernie's rides. We do not mind splitting the ride to accommodate you, but your speeds are coming in at 18+mph. Other fast riders that decide to stay with us often push the pace without realizing it. Today our "slow" group went up the longest hill of the ride at 19mph. Quite annoying to say the least on a B ride with a split for faster riders
In order to maintain my sanity, avoid whistling, stay pleasant and avoid the "Attitudes", I'm asking for Ride Leaders that have been attending to post along with me. We did this for a few years and it worked very well helping people move up ride levels safely.
I would LOVE a B ride start with a B/B+ and a B+ going out from the same place at the same time.
I'm not speaking for Bernie, but I think he would feel the same. Him and I could take turns during the week to go B/B+ with the other groups when we feel chipper. Our slower new riders would appreciate it also.