The SBRA July General Meeting will be held as a "VIRTUAL" meeting, on Thursday, July 1st at 7:00 pm.
We will be using Zoom as the conferencing software. You can download the free application and be able to join this virtual club meeting.
July is traditionally SBRA "Ice Cream Month" so be sure to enjoy some yummy ice cream on your own to keep the tradition going!
Meeting Details:
Topic: SBRA July General Meeting (Virtual)
Time: July 1, 2021 at 07:00 PM
Guest Speaker:
SBRA member, John Martin will speak about:
- The various types of electric bikes available.
- Their advantages and disadvantages.
- His experience in using an electric bike.
- What he has heard from others.
The talk will be followed with time for questions and answers.
Join Zoom Meeting by clicking the weblink below (or copy and paste it into your browser):
Meeting ID: 814 1171 7706
Passcode: 318938
One tap mobile
+19292056099,,81411717706#,,,,*318938# US (New York)
Dial by your location
+1 929-205-6099 US (New York)
Please note:
Due to the potential number of participants at this meeting, all participants will be muted once the meeting begins.
All members will have the option to submit messages during the meeting or digitally raise their hand.
For a Quick How To, See Image Below: