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Halloween Ride

    Wendy S's picture
    Date and Time of ride: 
    Sun, 10/25/2015 - 8:45am
    Ride Level
    Note: guests welcome for 1 ride, $40 Annual SBRA Membership required thereafter.
    Road Bike
    Details (RL read field instructions carefully): 

    UPDATE: 10/24 9:30 pm - Sorry but I need to cancel my ride.  Took a fall today and will not be up to riding. Weather might cancel anyway.  You can either ride with another leader or if you don't ride, you can come to the food portion of the event at 12.  Thanks.

    Ok I am monkey in the middle with the B ride.  Just as everyone else, depending on the weather and wind which direction we will go Moriches or Heckshire Park. The ride is open to anyone who wishes to ride but you have to be registered to attend the party.  Feel free to wear any costumes but please be sure it doesn't interfere  with your bike.  Bring snacks and water as we will not be making long stops, need to back and save room for delicious soups!  Please check back for any changes to the ride.  Any cancellations will be posted prior to 7 am on ride day.  Please contact my cell if you have any questions.

    Cell Phone Number: 
    Ride Participants (arrive 20 minutes before ride start time)
    Sign-In Sheet (Admin Use Only - after ride): 
    Ride Statistics
    Ride Leaders: 

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