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Listed as B/B+ at a B pace (I give up with this weather) Canceled

    pete's picture
    Date and Time of ride: 
    Sat, 03/18/2017 - 9:30am
    Ride Level
    Note: guests welcome for 1 ride, $40 Annual SBRA Membership required thereafter.
    Road Bike
    Details (RL read field instructions carefully): 

    Getting tired of posting the same ride but as I have not had the chance to ride it as of yet guess it is not the same ride (Depending on road conditions this ride may be changed so check back)

    Here is the 26 mile route

    It will be at a B pace and no more than a B.  I did my first ride in a long time on Sunday the 19th and I am paying for it as I am not in shape; so I promise a B.  

    What I am proposing however is a ride where we all take a turn at pulling.  Not a strict paceline but if each take a turn it spreads the load.

    We will go a little further each week to get ready for either the metric or full century in May.  By each person taking a pull we will be able to increase our speed a little as one person will not need to pull the full length of the ride 

    Would like to get a group together to do all the training together and then do the metric or full century together.  Those that do not want to do the full century will meet the rest of the group at the McDonad's rest stop and the whole group can continue on from there.

    Due to the weather forecast for Saturday we will have a choice to shorten this ride to 20 miles it is basically the same route but also this will not have a food stoo.  Probably do not want to stop anyway if it is as cold as they say it will be.  Can decide that morning the distance 

    Please let me know if anyone is interested in these rides 

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