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Are you enjoying the fall colors on your bike?

    Py's picture

    TOSREC1.JPG Do you enjoy the more brisk days of riding and watching the beautiful colors of fall? Just dress right to match your riding level -- faster = less is better, just to stay warm and protect yourself from wind. You know you are perfectly dressed if you feel a bit chilly for the first few miles until warmed up!

    Enjoy a few recent photos off fall weather riding. Here on left, high up in Connecticut on John&Py's 4th annual TOSREC.

    Here more from TOSREC, on Wade Rd. More TOSREC 2009 images are in our gallery.


    And a few colors of today's "RP2IPBP" ride:

    IMG_7229_1.jpg IMG_7236_1.jpg IMG_7245_1.jpg IMG_7247_1.jpg

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